Of all the Lockdown frustrations, the lack of travel has undoubtedly resulted – for me at least! – in a desperate craving for adventure and new experiences. At a time when we are all typically embarking on exciting journeys or even simply rediscovering past favourite haunts and spaces, we find ourselves stuck at home and trudging through a seemingly never-ending pattern of monotonous days.

What is YOUR top priority when you first arrive at your holiday destination? Head to the beach? Get out on the water? Boot up and set off for a day’s hiking? Visit the nearest archaeological site? Go shopping? Book a table at a highly recommended restaurant?
My first port of call and one of the environments which I miss the most is the foreign local markets and the traditional indigenous cuisines, which are inextricably woven into the very fabric of a holiday, but it occurred to me recently that the cuisines at least were not beyond my current reach and that, with my private nutritional chef background, I could actually nourish my passion for culinary discovery and exploration by recreating global gastronomies in my own kitchen.

My kitchen has always been the favourite room in my house, and coincidentally, this kitchen is alive again with the aromas, sights, ingredients, memories and excitement of near and distant lands - which I am now carrying forward into my bespoke nutritional programmes and thereby creating a healthy, rejuvenating “At Home Holiday Experience” for my clients.
I am specifically incorporating this into the design of my brand new Weight Management Programme which is totally bespoke to the clients I work with and includes, instead of the habitual general food plans, sparkling, exuberant, fabulously healthy and delicious menus and recipes from the four corners of the world for clients to revel in during their enforced At Home Holiday 2020.
The main reason for associating this approach with weight is that so many people are finding that the “Covid Stone” has crept up on them and its progress can be difficult to brake. However, having said that, the At Home Holiday Experience eating plan has been designed to support general health and rejuvenation on every level and can be integrated seamlessly into your daily life so it will benefit absolutely everybody.

What does this new programme consist of?
The At Home Holiday Food Experience 2020
· Who is it for? It is for YOU if
o You feel worn down by the current endless monotony of daily life
o Your performance at work is not reaching the peak levels you’d like it to
o Your energy and joie de vivre are really flagging and you need a boost
o You feel tired when you wake up and can’t shrug off that feeling through the day
o Your clothes are getting tight and you know you are not going to fit into your autumn wardrobe
o Your skin is gradually losing its glow and your eyes their sparkle
o You long to feel regenerated and rejuvenated right down to your core!
· What you’ll receive
o In-depth health and lifestyle assessment to consider symptoms, medical history, family history, lifestyle and stress
o Bespoke weight management strategy and supplement plan
o Personal coaching to support new food choices and new habits
o Two-week menu plan along with corresponding recipes
o Email support
· How does it work? Your three month bespoke programme includes
o Initial personal consultation: 2 hours
o 3 follow-up consultations: 60 minutes
o 3 “in between” progress review sessions: 30 minutes
I am therefore delighted to invite you to join me in my At Home Holiday Experience 2020 and to schedule an initial, exploratory chat where we can carry out a health MOT and discuss how I can help you with your health goals, be it weight loss, vibrant energy for peak performance or enhanced youthfulness.
Book your initial online conversation here and let’s talk.
And do please pass this invitation on to any friends or family who might be interested.